How we teach Mathematics at Stanbury Village School
We aim for every child to develop a love of maths, developing confidence and resilience.
Through our daily teaching throughout the year we offer new learning, challenge and
consolidation to support age appropriate confident and fluent mathematicians ready to
engage with the next stage of their lives (and learning).
To help structure our learning we use the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning mixed
age planning. This provides the basis for our daily and termly sequence of progression and is
supported by daily fluency practice using Big Maths ‘Learn Its’ and times table practice.
The objectives for each year group are aligned where possible to allow for our mixed age
classes, so the children can learn related steps alongside each other. Where this is not
possible in some topic areas then flexible teaching groups are used.
The White Rose calculation policies are used to ensure a consistent approach to learning the
four operations over time.
Reasoning and problem solving form part of every child’s learning and where children have
shown deeper understanding, opportunities for challenge and creative thinking are
In Foundation Stage Learn Its are incorporated into daily learning and in KS1 and KS2 maths
lessons will start with fluency and counting activities using Big Maths resources and Learn
Its. These are number facts (from Reception to Year 6) that are expected to be learnt for
instant recall. There are 36 addition Learn Its – all the single digit addition facts up to 9+9 –
and 36 multiplication Learn Its. The Ultimate Challenge is to be able to answer all 72 Learn It
facts within 3 minutes.
Each child also has a times table card with all tables from 1 – 12. They are expected to be
working towards Bronze (reciting the table), Silver (mixed order questions) and Gold (mixed
order and division questions) for each times table at an age appropriate level as per the
National Curriculum guidelines.
Formative assessment is ongoing within lessons to feed into the next lesson or sequence of
In Foundation Stage summative assessment is termly and recorded and tracked on Evidence
Me. Small group work is used to address gaps in learning informed by assessments.
In KS1 and KS2 we use assertive mentoring tests each half term to provide a summative
level to measure progress against curriculum objectives and also to provide a formative
picture to inform additional guided group work on gaps in learning. The summative levels
are reported to parents three times a year as part of our parent consultation process. In
Year 6 previous SATS papers are used in order to identify areas for improvement and
prepare the children for what to expect.
Maths leaders have an overview of the data and use it to inform discussions with SLT.
Children develop confidence and fluency in mathematical thinking, including times tables.
Children show a high level of pride in their mathematical abilities and understanding of their
work in preparation for the next stage of their lives and learning.
Children experience a maths curriculum that is consistent so each year group and class
builds on prior learning and uses the same methods to minimise cognitive load when
meeting new concepts.
Children achieve in line with or above National at Key Stage assessment points.