Personal, Social, Health and Relationships Education (PSHRE)
At Stanbury Village School, we are committed to inspiring and engaging all children;
providing them with the confidence and ability to develop their skills and understanding
when having new experiences, meeting new challenges and finding themselves in unfamiliar
situations. We have the responsibility to teach our children about equality and diversity in
the context of British Values and spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This is
part of a whole school approach where we offer a nurturing learning environment in which
each child is encouraged to develop and grow as an individual. We take pride in our
achievements and other people’s and enjoy celebrating success.
Our PSHRE education helps children to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they
need to thrive as individuals, family members, as part of the school community and
members of society. From making responsible decisions, understanding how to be happy
and healthy, to succeeding in their future, our PSHE education helps the children to manage
many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face
growing up.
At Stanbury, PSHRE helps children to achieve their potential by supporting their wellbeing
and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety. We help children to
develop skills and aptitudes — like teamwork, communication, and resilience — that are
crucial to navigating the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.
Our PSHRE curriculum is delivered through Coram Education’s SCARF programme which is a
whole-school approach to promote behaviour, safety, achievement and wellbeing.
SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) allows us to build these
essential foundations – crucial for children to achieve their best, academically and socially. It
covers both the DfE statutory requirements for Relationships Education and Health
Education and the PSHE Association’s advisory content, which together ensure a
comprehensive curriculum for PSHE, RSHE and wellbeing education (mental health).
SCARF is split into six areas each of which are delivered in a different half term throughout
the year:
Autumn 1 – Me and My Relationships
Autumn 2 - Valuing Differences
Spring 1 – Keeping Myself Safe
Spring 2 - Rights and Responsibilities
Summer 1 – Being My Best
Summer 2 – Growing and Changing